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Hybrid Cloud Strategy with Kubernetes

Develop a Hybrid Cloud Strategy With Kubernetes

Initially developed by Google, Kubernetes or K8 is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates several application development processes, including day-to-day procedures like upgrading, monitoring, and logging.

It allows its users to utilize Google’s expertise in distributed systems consisting of highly complex clusters, making it one of the leading container orchestration platforms that support organizations in developing applications cost-effectively.

In 2021, 50% of the organizations globally adopted Kubernetes for application development.

Kubernetes is a fundamentally resilient platform that offers myriad benefits in terms of rapid scaling, deployment, and automated container rollouts. One of the critical benefits of K8 is hybrid deployments. In this blog, we will look into how to develop a hybrid cloud strategy with Kubernetes.

What is a Hybrid Cloud Strategy?

Many companies are migrating toward public cloud infrastructure. However, businesses do not want to abandon their on-premises infrastructure due to the critical data available on it. Hence, opting for a hybrid cloud strategy becomes an ideal option for businesses, where they can utilize on-premises resources with cloud resources.

A hybrid cloud strategy is a plan to deploy and manage applications and services on multiple clouds, i.e., public and private. Creating a hybrid cloud strategy is essential for enterprises undergoing digital transformations. With this strategy, organizations can easily bifurcate what data goes on on public cloud infrastructure and private cloud infrastructure.

Benefits of a Hybrid Cloud Strategy

Here is a list of the benefits that enterprises can get by developing a hybrid cloud strategy:

  • Scalability

With a hybrid cloud strategy, businesses can achieve true application portability. Meaning the application can be shifted instantaneously from one cloud infrastructure to another as per the requirement. It can distribute and manage the load without performing any complex configuration.

  • Data Safety

By replicating your on-premise data on cloud infrastructure, you can provide a backup for your database in case your on-premise infrastructure faces some technical disaster and you lose all your crucial information.

  • Innovation

A hybrid cloud strategy enables the IT team to develop and test new updates of an application on the private cloud infrastructure before making it available on the public cloud infrastructure. This allows the IT team to be more innovative and eliminates the need for any downtime required for developing new features.

  • Cost-effectiveness

Businesses using a hybrid cloud strategy require lesser time and resources in developing and deploying an application. Hence, making the overall process cost-effective. 

  • High Performance

By adapting to a hybrid cloud strategy, you can distribute the application globally, hosting critical services and data per the requirement, and provide high-performance to the users.

Benefits of Kubernetes

Kubernetes comes with several features that are very beneficial for organizations:

  • Auto Scaling is one of the most prominent benefits of Kubernetes. K8 has three different autoscaling capabilities- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA), Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA), and Cluster Autoscaler. It allows the enterprises to run the workloads cost-effectively and efficiently.
  • Kubernetes acts as an orchestration system and enables the IT team to leverage a containerized environment.
  • Another impressive benefit of Kubernetes is its self-healing ability. If a container fails, K8 can replace it or restart it automatically. The platform also constantly monitors the health of nodes and containers.
  • With Kubernetes, IT teams can manage the network of multiple containers through a single console.
  • One can also build a micro-services-based application with Kubernetes. It allows the companies to scale the parts of the application that have received high traffic.

Challenges with Kubernetes

Even though there are numerous advantages of Kubernetes, there are also some drawbacks of the platform.

  • There are too many moving parts involved in Kubernetes; hence, new users would have to go through a steep learning curve while adapting to the platform.
  • The initial step-up and configuration of Kubernetes is complex and can be overwhelming.
  • The platform provides limited automation during the restoration of the containerized application environment.
  • The platform can be more expensive than its alternatives.

Kubernetes-Based Hybrid Cloud Strategy

Kubernetes offers an ideal foundation for hybrid cloud strategy because of its consistency. It does not matter if you are using Kubernetes as an on-premise infrastructure or a cloud infrastructure; they both work on the same commands and in similar ways. As Kubernetes is open-source, you can also deploy it in clusters of machines without licensing or contracts.

With Kubernetes, you can develop a hybrid cloud strategy using three different methods:

  • Clusters Without Direct Interaction: In this method, there are multiple clusters in a system, with each one having a different task to perform, and there isn’t any direct interaction among them. It is a beneficial strategy if you are looking for environment segregation to develop applications on one cloud platform and deploy them on another.
  • Cluster Federation: This is the opposite of clusters without a direct interaction method. Cluster federation provides a single point of view for all clusters. The method comes in handy when looking for a centralized configuration of data centers and a single API. It establishes a standardized Kubernetes deployment for all clusters.
  • Serverless Architectures: This method can be considered one of the popular trends for adopting a Kubernetes-based hybrid cloud strategy. The purpose of a serverless architect is to offload the cluster. It allows Kubernetes to be integrated as a virtual machine (VM) in case your physical machines are exhausted.  


In conclusion, a Kubernetes-based hybrid cloud strategy provides a holistic solution for deployment, management, and operational concerns. However, there are a lot of moving parts involved in the process. Coming up with a hybrid cloud strategy can be a challenging task. That’s why many companies prefer outsourcing this job to expert IT professionals.

To create a perfect Kubernetes-based hybrid cloud strategy for you, Mindfire Solutions has assembled a team of passionate individuals who are well-equipped with industry knowledge and have been working in this domain for a long time. Over the years, Mindfire Solutions has worked with several world-renowned companies like SAP, AsianPaints, and DHL. 

Visit Mindfire Solutions to learn more about our services.



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Leveraging Kubernetes for End-to-End Quality Assurance

Kubernetes is an all-in-one container orchestration tool that helps in the management, deployment, monitoring, and scaling of systems for containerized applications which are all packaged in one open-source system. If your organization works with containerized applications using Docker, then you would already know that things become tedious, and it becomes difficult to manage them when they scale up.


Classic QA Process:

Here, the end-user only interacts with the front-end user interface in both monolithic and containerized applications. Similarly, the traditional QA process can be used for containerized applications but should be seen as a subset of the QA process in the Kubernetes world. UI or API testing using tools like selenium or Rest- assured can be used for automation testing for applications running on Kubernetes, but this is a costly process that requires high investment in terms of time, money & resources. To overcome this, it requires us to look outside the box to find better solutions that can be paired up with these and provide better coverage right from the beginning. This would result in the scope of the QA process getting increased when applied to Kubernetes applications.

Enhanced QA Process (hybrid) for Kubernetes Applications:

Kubernetes applications are generally deployed using continuous integration and continuous delivery. To assist the developers in the release cycle, the traditional approach of creating end-to-end tests is not adequate and now requires QA to work very closely with developers on the tests so that it can be written quickly and executed swiftly.

Hybrid QA Process


The following are the new technologies that help in accomplishing the full potential of the QA process in the Kubernetes world.

  1. AB Testing
  2. Chaos Engineering
  3. Consumer-Driven Contract Testing
  4. Helm Tests
AB Testing:

The complexity of applications has increased vastly, and business requires constant UI updates and feedback based on the frontend changes. The business stakeholders hire marketing and research teams to attract more customers and convert more leads from different marketing campaigns.

Here Kubernetes gives us the power to leverage continuous feedback by using the customers as testers and present real-time statistics for businesses to make decisions in real-time

AB Testing

Chaos Engineering:

Chaos engineering tests the resilience and weakness of a system in production by creating expected chaos in the system to verify that none of the activities has affected the performance and stability of the system. This builds confidence that the system can handle unexpected situations and that any failures that exist can be addressed before the customers face the brunt.  Since they get known to the QA team in advance, it gives them the opportunity to fix those unexpected outages before they actually affect large groups of users. Some examples can include scenarios like increasing load on a Microservice, introducing DNS failures, Mimicking hard drive failure, etc.

This can be achieved by using Free and open-source tools available depending upon the cloud provider on which the system is hosted. For example, one of the better-known tools is Chaos Monkey used by Netflix for cloud-hosted Kubernetes clusters.

Chaos Engineering

Consumer-Driven Contract Testing:

Often times while working with microservices, creating full end-to-end integration tests are expensive and requires high execution time. Even if you hit failures, it is hard to figure out which service is causing the failure if the complexity of the system is high. We can create Consumer-Driven Contract Testing using Pact which is available in almost all languages. It makes it easy to write the integration tests and helps us to test consumer-provider rules using JSON files.

So, what is a pact? PACT is a binding contract between the consumer and the provider, which has to be always followed. In the world of microservices, the pact is based on the API call (consumer) and response (provider). It can be done using either a single isolated microservice (while mocking the other microservices) or on a real system with all microservices running.

Why use PACT when we can write end-to-end integration tests?  Well, it helps us create tests before we move to write expensive integration tests and can provide us with the general sanity of all the microservices running in our system.

Consumer Driven Contract Testing

Helm Tests:

Most organizations use Helm charts to deploy Kubernetes resources on Kubernetes clusters. These charts are really powerful and often contain tests written in the chart which can be used to test if all the resources got deployed successfully to our Kubernetes cluster.

Since Helm tests use a scripting language to perform basic sanity checks on the deployed resource, we should leverage the tests provided by popular charts over the internet. In case, you are making in-house helm charts, then you might want to skip this for some better integration test since tests written in scripting language can be difficult to write and maintain.


With the fast evolution of the application architecture and introduction of DevOps culture, the traditional QA process is not able to provide the same value for money and is often seen as one of the bottlenecks when it comes to the release cycle. Hence, QA must design and plan their framework to provide a blend of fast test results and improved end-to-end integration tests. The role of QA is now changing from Quality Assurance to Quality Assistance. Since the QA process has to be optimized as per the AUT, this article hopefully has helped you in identifying the process of a robust end-to-end QA framework for applications running on the Kubernetes cluster.


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author. To know more about our company, please click on Mindfire Solutions.  For over 20+ years now, we have been the preferred Software Development Partner of over 1000+ Small and Medium-sized enterprises across the globe.


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