Employee Scheduling

Executive Summary

This application is developed to keep track of employeesā€™ profile, scheduling and leaves. There are two sections employee and administrator. Administrator has access to various sections like schedule administration, company administration, employee administration, message center and report section. Employee schedule is equipped with day wise and template scheduling. Drag and drop functionality make it easier for the users to manage scheduling. Employee can view his/her own schedules on the calendar. Employee can apply for leave on the calendar using his/her login and send request to another employee to reallocate his own schedule with him. A .NET application (http://www.mindfiresolutions.com/dotnet-winforms-development.htm#Clocktimeusingfingerprintdevice) is developed to capture employee check in check out using Biometrics Finger Printer reader. Employee payroll has been calculated on the basis of the same.

About our Client

HealthCare Company



