Appointment Scheduling

Executive Summary

A web-based software to reduce paper work and pain to front office while scheduling physician’s appointment with patient. This s/w is design by considering various day to day activities involved in the physician’s clinic, below are the few list of features which are integrated with this appointment scheduling s/w.

1.Appointment templates, Depending upon physician’s availability on particular day/week/month in the clinic physician/office admin can create and apply templates for a day/week/moth/year in advance.

2.Set individual working hours for each physician in the practice in advance, and prevent scheduling confusion and rescheduling pain.

3.User can customize the length of visit – by visit type, defined by physician.

4.Scheduling appointment, In this s/w front desk staff can give single or recurring appointment.

5.Resource scheduling, by s/w user can also schedule the recourses like ultrasound room and machine, XRay room and equipment etc.., this resource list can be customized according to the clinic nature.

6.Day View, week view and All physician View, in the day view front desk user can see one physician’s day, in week view physician’s weekly status of appointment and in all physician view user can see All phys. schedules at a glance

7.Quickly schedule and reschedule patient appointments using pre-built templates.

8.Manage patient flow from check-in through checkout.

9.Electronically check insurance status and know whether your patient has coverage and what their co-pay amount will be. In this process we have implemented 270/271 (Health Care Eligibility Benefit Inquiry and Response)

10.Easily print receipts for co-payments. By this s/w user can easily produce the payment receipt while check-in payment or check-out payment.

11.Track your patient arrivals and their visit status – know where they are – in the waiting room, with the nurse or ready for their doctor – in real-time on your wireless PDA or tablet PC.

12.Patient tickler files, some time it happens that clinic miss out some recurring appointment to set for a patient dependent upon what ICDS or Cpts are being applied by the physician in 1st appointment due to that clinic does not able to remind the patient as a result they miss business. Taking this in account we have introduced Patient tickler files concept this will alert to front desk staff to know what all patients fall in that list so that they can set appointment.

13.Search Free slots, while giving appointment to a patient for future or current date front desk staff can check the availability for the time and physician by using search free slots.

14.Reports, In this s/w scheduling staff can produce various reports to physician or other higher authority like we have appointment report, where user can print all the appts according the physician and the date. There are other reports also like, arrival list, waiting list and reminder list. If any appt has been made then it automatically comes in arrival list and where can then check in the appointment from arrival list. If any appointment’s status is set to waiting list then that report can be seen in waiting list and if there is an appointment where user need to remind the patient then that can be seen in the reminder list.

15.Integration & Export (to HL7 for Medical Transcription), this s/w is perfectly blended with EMR and Billing module to provide a complete solution for a clinic as a Practice management system.

About our Client

HealthCare Company




ASP.NET, C#.NET, AJAX, ICD, CPT, Infragistics Components, SQL Server 2005, HIPAA