Daily-use Items Delivery App

Executive Summary

Designed and developed an application which enables user to get any item of daily use and purpose delivered to them whenever they want. User should be able to track the progress of their delivery. They can also chat with the fetcher of their items. The application is supposed to include fetcher interface as well which keeps them updated about the new deliveries nearby their location with details. There is also a mechanism to keep the delivery status up to date while on a delivery.

The native app was developed for smartphones using iOS/Android operating systems with PHP in the back-end. Some of its features are as follows:

• Uses REST web APIs to transfer data between mobile and database.

• Device GPS service and Google places APIs are used to specify the locations for delivery and keep the system updated for available deliveries to be fetched

• Web Sockets were used to implement the real-time updates for a delivery and for chat function

• Application sends location updates to server even in background mode for an active fetcher

About our Client

Mobile Application Company




Android SDK 2.3+