Disease Information Search

Executive Summary

Disease Information Search, is a compilation of information on an existing Filemaker database on genetics and diseases. The tool provides different category of information which it stores and maintains.

The different categories of information include:-

•People- This has all information related to people in the database; people’s address, organizations, events details.

•Organization- This segment has information related to organization; organization’s address, member list of organization, events in which the organization participated.

•Events- Events are very broad. This category was created so that anything that involves direct interaction with organization members can be linked to a username.  This can be something as clear as a meeting or something more abstract like a web poll, or being registered to receive the weekly bulletin. Events have information on event details, Event activities, speakers.

•Event Activities- Activities are essentially events within events. For eg-ATCG Meeting. This meeting is made up of several activities: Content Workshop – Religion & Genetics, Quality Presentation, and Usability Presentations.

•Event Speakers- Speakers register with topics within each activity. .

•Conferences- Conferences are made up of Events. It is a just like an event, though here there are many events.

•Sponsorships- Sponsors are just details about Sponsors who invest in events.

•Legislators- Legislature have all contact and activity information related to United States congressmen (representatives and senators). Each Congressman (member of congress) will have his own record with associated addresses, staffers, committees, policy activities and legislative actions.

About our Client

HealthCare Company




FileMaker Pro 9