Work Order Management Win App

Executive Summary

This application is a windows application. It is developed in programming language and the backend is sqlserver 2008 express. DevExpress controls (version 12.1) are used for the User Interface.

The web application has tables which are managed through this application are get used in portal. The look up values for a customer which get shown in different modules of the portal also managed through this application.

In this system, one customer can belong to only one company. A customer belongs to a specific company can have more than one location. Also multiple users can be assigned to a specific customer.

Customer table Contains column ´CompanyID’ which is mapped to the ´CompanyID’ of Company Table that describes a specific customer belongs to which Company (Customer-Company RelationShip)

Location table contains columns LocationID and CustomerID, which combines forms the primary key for the Location table. Here a customer can belongs to more than one location and a same location can be assigned to multiple customer i.e Multiple customer are present for the same location in the location table(Customer-Location relationship).

Multiple users can be assigned to a customer for a specific location that belongs to the customer. The relationship between user,location,customer are defined in the UserLocation table. When a user need to be assigned to a customer then he is get assigned through a location i.e for a location a specific set of users are assigned to the customer.

Userlocation contains columns like CustomerID,UserID and LocationID. Here one can find out which are the users assigned to a customer and for which location.

User: – In User module we can add, edit, View and delete a user and user settings. It is also used for setting Roles Access for various Modules.

Customer:- In customer module we can Add, Edit and delete a customer and it’s other details.

Work Order:- In this module the work Order values existing in Work Order Table, which are added can be viewed based on the selected customer.

Company:- In this module we can Add, Edit or delete a Company. Version Info:- In this module we can add, view and edit a version details in lookUp table.

Location:- In this module a new location based on a customer can be added, viewed and edited.

Connection Setup:- In this module the new connections could be set.

Products:- In this module an existing product can be viewed and modified.

Space Management:- In this module we have functionalities for cleaning up Extra spaces and enters existing in Products Description and Resolution fields of Products Table. And also, it contains functionalities for clearing last Login History detail values.

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ASP.Net 4.0, SQL Server 2008