Electronic Health Care Enquirer

Executive Summary

This application helps the provider to determine whether the information source (payer) has a particular subscriber or dependent on file and the health care eligibility and/or benefit information about that subscriber and/or dependent(s). The application provides the provider with the information at the time the patient checks in and makes the information available instantaneously, which is not possible through other methods like paper and phone.

Various Features:

1.Create 270 Request

a.270 request is created using the data for the patient in the database.

b.The request is byte encoded and a web service method is called to send the request.

2.Parse 271 Response

a.The web service responds to the 270 request stating the error if there is in the request and the 271 response if the request is error free

b.The 271 response is byte decoded and parsed to display the eligibility information on the web page


About our Client

HealthCare Company




ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server 2005