Email Ad Builder

Executive Summary

This is a web-based tool that enables car dealers to directly send data including vehicle photographs to Ad-agencies. The user has option to select about 10 vehicles from the grid form and on submitting they enter into Email Ad Builder form and provide minimum information to send e-mail. On clicking the submit button the system will prepare a directory for each selected vehicle with photos and text content about that vehicle including the custom field information from grid. It then prepares a zip archive from the directory and sends it as an attachment in an email to the destination addresses entered.

Finally the temporary zip file and directories are removed from the server file system. Here the SharpZipLib library has been used to achieve zip files creation functionality on the server.

About our Client

Automotive Company


Automotive Industry


ASP.NET 2.0, C#, JavaScript, CSS , ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll