Executive Summary
Our client, who was one of the service providers of publishing software, had a couple of software for editorial purposes for Newsrooms. They aimed to have an efficient content management application for magazines for an unbeatable production control. The client necessitated to create a complete online web-application basing upon one shell hosts functions for planning, organizing, and monitoring a magazine package which could be utilized in publication house.
For attaining what they aspired for, they approached Mindfire Solutions. Mindfire took the responsibility to provide the best feasible solution to them. Looking into the specifications relayed by the client, our development team took the charge of the project, analyzed and proposed the client with a basic design .The design was finally built meeting client objective and proved to be a very robust one.
About our Client
Business Situation
The client firm was a group of people in USA who required to develop a web application for accommodating magazine for their publication house. They also required administrator to create users like editor/author in the application along with creating new products on set deadlines for articles, calculate the price and also view articles as they would look like if published. Mindfire’s technical team took up the charge and analyzed the scenarios and took necessary steps to meet client’s objective. After certain sessions of brainstorming among the developers, the Mindfire’s technical team proposed the client with a design that needs to be followed in order to develop the web application. These sessions included the legacy application walk through and database analysis in details. The client was an expert and needed in depth analysis and clarification on each situation and suggestion. Mindfire’s technical team grasped the complete application understanding and proposed the new solution.
ASP.Net 3.5, C#, Postgres, JavaScript, In-Design Plug-in, .Net Web Services .