Online billboard management and distribution system

Executive Summary

Designed and implemented an online RESTful application to allow media owners to manage and distribute assets to listed market places.

There are 3 types of users i.e. super admin, API and non-API user. Super admin manages all media owner accounts and permissions. API user gets access to REST API endpoints to communicate with the system to manage assets and availability. Non-API users can upload large spreadsheets online to bulk import assets. Asset can be a single frame or a package consisting of multiple frames. Each frame has several attributes which is managed through the system. User can tag assets and group them for easy searching and categorization. Users can manage schedule and booking details for assets. Users can define pricing and availability rules for multiple market places easily through online interface.

Implemented the backend using Django/tastypie to provide JSON API end points and frontend using AngularJS and twitter bootstrap.

About our Client

Media Advertising Company


Media Advertising

