Online Interviewing Portal

Executive Summary

Designed and implemented an online interviewing portal for employers and candidates. The application allows employers to create a set of questions for the interviews which the candidates can attempt by selecting the interview and its corresponding questions including the functionality for selecting optional questions if there are any and record their response to be reviewed by the employers. We used the Rails framework considering the MVC architecture and Rails rules. We wrote the unit test cases and features for the application using Rspec and Cucumber. The application uses Amazon S3 to store the files using the paperclip gem and allows the users to manage the uploaded files on S3 server. The application uses cloud computing technology which is hosted using Heroku which is used for hosting ROR applications. We used GIT to manage the codebase. Some of the features included conversion of video files recorded/uploaded by candidates/employers to desired format like .flv, h264 (.mp4) formats using FFMPEG, MENCODER, LAME, FLVtool2, qtfaststart for video streaming. We also configured and set up lighttpd for streaming and provided the client with a flash video player that uses external interface to support JS calls and supports streaming.

About our Client

Web Application Development Company


Web Application Development


Ruby on Rails (ROR)