Plug-ins for Workflow based Planning, Monitoring, and Reporting System

Executive Summary

This is a content management system which, apart for few independent applications, Make, Admin etc, has two plug-ins to handle and interact with InDesign layouts. We created these plug-ins to display hierarchical data fetched from the serve, where we implemented our own tree view model with customized multiple widgets for displaying various types of data in the rows, including customized header widgets synchronized with the tree view for resizing, drag and drop of tree view columns:

1) Job checkout panel plug-in interacts with the system and displays jobs assigned to the user currently logged-in in a tree view. User can check out any job and make the desired changes and check in the changed file. A job may have image, text or any other type of file associated with it, named as child jobs. These jobs can be checked out to the specified folder.

2) Job & page information panel plug-in interacts with the system as well as job checkout panel plug-in. It displays all relevant information about the currently open job. The user can import any InDesign importable file (image,  text or other) associated with the current job in focus. If focus switches to other system layout then information displayed will be that of the one in focus. This plug-in also has a check-in feature.

About our Client

Publishing Business Domain Products Company


Publishing Industry


C++, Adobe InDesign SDK, XCode, Mac OSX, Windows