Story Application

Executive Summary

Story Reader is an application that is used to read stories on tapping buttons. It has two screens with two modes landscape and portrait mode: –

1) Home Screen

2) Play Story Screen The main Screen with some buttons depending on number of stories.

Setting Screen: – A small popup over the main screen is setting screen. It is used for doing some settings in game according to the user’s needs. So, user can choose the level of story as the app has three level for stories – Easy, Medium, Hard. Here we have two ways to access the answers – dropdown list and buttons. User can choose the answers from the buttons or drop-down list.

After tapping on particular’s story button, a screen appears that the playStoryScreen which shows the text of the selected story while playing soundFiles. Here are four buttons representing options for choosing the answers. And selected answer will fill in the empty white box to complete the sentence. A popup representing the option list. Tapping a particular option fill in the blank space in a particular sentence. A yellow box representing current box, that needs to be corrected. App gives three chances to correct answers.

If user loses all the three chances then a popup appears on the screen. It gives a message about the wrong blanks. Now the app will correct all wrong blanks itself. This screen plays all recording files corresponding to each sentence.

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