Trip/Event Registration

Executive Summary

This web application is hosted on client provided server, which is integrated to work with their existing website.

– Existing website has an apply page for trips/events, where all the trips/events are listed and links are given for each trip.

– Each link opens a registration page of the new web application.

– The registration page includes all the fields mapped with the dynamic CRM contact entity.

– The user provides the details and on click of the Register button, it will create/update the contact record and create a participation record for that contact related to the particular trips/event.

– The user is matched in CRM contacts by any two field values from Mobile, Email and Date of Birth. If Contact is found, then it updates the contact with new values, else it creates a new contact.

– After contact creation/update, it will create a participation record for that trip. If that contact is already registered, it will display a message saying “You have already registered for the trip”.

– After all the operations are completed, it displays a success message “Your application has been successfully received.”.

About our Client

Trip/Event Management Company


Trip/Event Management
