Website and Admin site for a commercial furnishings company

Executive Summary

Designed and developed both the website (front end) and the admin site for a commercial outdoor site furnishings company.

The website has several modules such as the following:

– Homepage which has the category page on left side menu

– category page which has a laundry list of all the items available on the site, segmented into categories and sub categories

– Shipping module which enables the user to place an order

– Add to cart page where the user can select and add one or more products to the cart to place an order

– Cart check out page which displays the price of the product(s), shipping costs etc. The user is directed to this page after adding all the desired products to the cart

– Quick form page where for once the user has to fill in all the details after checking out the products. The quick form page requires information such as name, address etc.After the user fills this form and submits it, the order gets placed.

The admin module enables the site admin to  add more websites to the system for controlling them in back end. It has a number of modules which address areas like order processing, add/edit products to make them visible in different sites, add/edit vendors, add/edit customers, marketing, reporting (such as generating order reports and quote reports) shipping price setting and many more setting for the sites.The admin can add/edit users who ca access the system as well as restrict the access of the users to a particular number of websites.Using a special settings menu, the admin can enlist the IP addresses from which the system can be accessed.

The admin can also make certain changes to the websites that include service related requirements such as “Contact submission”, “Product review”, “Customer testimonials”, “Newsletters requests”, “Catalog requests”, “Sample requests”, “Website feedback”, “Credit application”. Here the admin can add/edit/approve any product review, website feedback made by customers.

About our Client

E-Commerce Company




ColdFusion, Javascript