Website & CMS for boat company

Executive Summary

Designed and developed the front end (website) and backend (CMS) for a Boat company.

The website is powered by the CMS at the backend which helps display the inventory related information and information about the site. It gives the users the facility to add various queries on any particular inventory or about the site. The website has three major sections:

– Product Detail where the user can find detailed information about a particular product. Specific questions can be asked via three separate forms “Ask a question”, “Request a Quote” and “Send to a Friend

-Contact us section where the user can find the company’s primary contact information as well as a “contact form” and a “newsletter subscriptions form”

-Featured boats/New boats section where the user can find the list of featured boats and new boat models listed with the boat’s price, boat’s year of manufacturing and the manufacturer’s name. Also the user can filter the boats according to the options provided in the filter bar.

At the backend, developed an Inventory Tools CMS which is a content management site, which can control more than one sites’ content which are related to the boat or its associated product inventory. It also provides facilities to respond to user queries and also provides the graph and chart representations to the incoming queries of different types entered from the front-end site and their respective responses in certain time periods. It consists of various modules such as the following:

– Dashboard which provides a graphical view for the incoming queries from the front end as well as the CMS over a certain time period

– Account section to manage the details of the client such as company name, primary information, logo, location and photos which are subsequently used on the front end site

– Boats section which contains the list of the boats in grid view. In this section user can manage the boats, their manufacturer and categories

– Motors which represents the information regarding the motors (similar to boats)

– Leads where the user can find the grid view listing of the incoming queries of different types and their responses.  From here the user can also respond the queries also can mark them resolved or spam

– Articles which helps manage the articles that are displayed in the website

– Videos section which helps manage the videos , group them into categories and comes with the functionalities to play, sort, delete, feature and add/edit videos

About our Client

Marine equipment Company


Marine equipments


ColdFusion, Javascript